Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hello...My First Post

Here I am, gathering my thoughts together before committing them to "paper"....
1 of 31 Everything that happens is preparation for the next leg of the journey. Everything is life is about the journey.

Today was a sunny, beautiful day. It was not until the end of the work day that I remembered the day was incredibly quiet on 31st--n0 sirens! As I drove down 31st Street this morning nothing seemed different. I wondered what lessons lie ahead for me. It was only upon entering the place we call Emancipation Station that the lesson began to unfold: The nutrition class was filled beyond capacity with women and men, some with children who came for the food that stretches their food dollar. Later, a speaker who does HIV prevention seemed to bring clarity to me when she said most of us are 30 days away from transitioning from one economic status to another.

Some of the women at Emancipation Station have gotten lost. We were encouraged to ask ourselves, "Where am I now, where am I trying to get to." We were encouraged to take time, change patterns, and change the stinking thinking. And, remember there is power in the spoken word. We need to circle ourselves with positive people. We are here for a reason! Enjoy the journey.

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